Methods of payment
We offer the following methods of payment. Please choose the method of payment most suitable to you. The shipping costs are partly dependent on the chosen method of payment.
Make your payment in a simple, convenient and safe way, via your PayPal account.
Credit card
You are welcome to pay simply and safely with your credit card. We accept Visa and Mastercard. Your credit card will be charged at the time of placing your order.

For the highest safety for your payment via credit card we support the 3-D secure procedure. When making purchases via our online shop using your credit card, you are forwarded to the web page of your bank, where you then need to enter or create a secure code. This makes payments via credit card even safer and minimizes risks of misuse of your credit card (e.g. in the event of loss).
Direct debit
We will withdraw the order invoice amount from your bank account after your order has been made.