We deliver your parcels using the climate-friendly shipping service DHL GoGreen.

Minimum order value & small quantity surcharge
The minimum order value is 50,00 €. If your order value is less than 50,00 €, we charge a minimum quantity surcharge of 5,00 €
We ship to any address and parcel station.
Delivery time: The delivery time is approx. 2-3 working days.
Costs: The costs are 4,50 € per order.
Free Delivery: From an order value of 150,00 € we deliver free of charge within Germany.
We ship to any address.
Delivery time: The delivery time is approx. 4-5 working days.
Costs: The costs are 7,40 € per order.
Other EU countries
We ship to all other European Union (EU) countries.
0-30 kg: 9,05 € flat rate + 0,40 € per kg
31-60 kg: 18,10 € flat rate + 0,40 € per kg
61-90 kg: 27,15 € flat rate + 0,40 € per kg
91-120 kg: 36,20 € flat rate + 0,40 € per kg
121-150 kg: 45,25 € flat rate + 0,40 € per kg
151-180 kg: 54,30 € flat rate + 0,40 € per kg
If you have a return, we will be happy to send you a return slip from our shipping service provider DHL by e-mail or post. You can then hand in your parcel at a Deutsche Post branch/parcel station. Please contact our customer service.
Of course, you can also send your return to us using any other shipping service provider.
The recipient bears the costs ex works Drestedt.
Depending on the volume, weight or content of the shipment, it will be sent by DHL parcel or by freight forwarder. The shipping costs will be charged directly or subsequently.